Github Repositories =================== Most tool developers are on GitHub, and have chosen to lay out their repositories in a structure similar to the following: .. code:: tools-iuc/ ├── data_managers │ └── data_manager_NAME/... ├── LICENSE ├── packages/ │ └── package_NAME_VERSION/tool_dependencies.xml ├── README.rst ├── suites/ │ └── suite_name/... └── tools/ └── NAME ├── macros.xml ├── my_tool.xml ├── ├── other_tool.xml ├── test-data/ └── tool_dependencies.xml The highest level directory contains only a few folders for the major types of Galaxy repositories; tools, packages, data managers, and sometimes visualizations and datatypes. ToolShed Repositories --------------------- A Github repository may correspond to any number of published ToolShed repositories. Every unrestricted tool shed repository should contain a README_ file - named either ``README`` or ``README.txt`` (if plain text) or ``README.rst`` (if reStructuredText_). A reStructuredText ``README.rst`` is generally preferred. For a good example of such a file - please see Peter Cock's NCBI Blast+ Suite's `README.rst `__. The Tool Shed recognizes many more types of README files than this - but these are not encouraged and may be deprecated in the future. Markdown_ is not supported by the Tool Shed at this time and so ```` are not recognized at all. Package Repositories -------------------- These may only contain a ``tool_dependencies.xml`` file Suites ------ The Toolshed offers the concept of a suite which is simply a meta-package listing several other packages. For example the ``suite_hmmer_3`` provides a package that depends on all of the individual ``hmmer_.*`` packages, defined by a ``repository_dependencies.xml`` file: .. code-block:: xml ... Manually curated suites are most commonly used to package together related pieces of software by different groups, when that functionality all serves a common purpose. Suites should NOT be used for a single set of highly related tools from the same group, like the hmmer example above, or bedtools. Instead, a suite can be automatically created for those sets of tools by Planemo_. Tools ----- Tool often contain: * Tool XML files * ``macros.xml`` file for use in keeping tools DRY * ``test-data/`` directory, because all tools need test data * ``tool-data/`` directory, for things like ``*.loc`` files * ``tool_dependencies.xml`` file for specifying associated packages * ```` file for tracking the history of features over time in your tool .. _README: .. _reStructuredText: .. _Markdown: .. _Planemo: